Family, vision and innovation
THE 50s
The humble beginnings of a visionary
After gaining experience in a department store of the time as a deliveryman, salesman and then manager of the furniture and floor covering department, Germain Larivière, a young entrepreneur from Mascouche, matured the idea of opening and operating his own business
November 15, 1957: Opening of the first Germain Larivière store in Sainte-Rosalie (today Saint-Hyacinthe) in the premises of a small. renovated and converted woodworking store. The founder is 31 years old and already has 20 years' experience in the business.
THE 60s
Building on solid foundations
This decade is dedicated to laying the foundations of the company and, above all, to the entrepreneur's apprenticeship. Germain Larivière has his hands full; he had to ensure adequate supply of merchandise, finance capital, find the necessary manpower for operations and manage the marketing of his store.
With the help and support of his wife, Gertrude, and his father, Théodore, the company's sales are going well. At the dawn of the 70s, Germain Larivière already had 12 regular employees and 3 part-timers. The showroom and warehouse triple in size.

THE 70s
Restructuring and innovation
After 15 years of steady growth, the family business expanded with the arrival of Jean Larivière as sales representative. Proving his worth, Jean went on to become marketing manager, sales manager and then general manager. During this decade, major transformations were implemented, and Germain Larivière became the first Quebec company in its fiels to computerize its accounting system.
Thanks to restructuring, the creation of new departments and the advent of television and radio advertising, the cmopany continues to grow.
THE 80s
A wind of movement and progress
Thanks to its focus on the major provincial radio and television networks, weeklies and major dailies, Germain Larivière carved out a place for itself. The administration was efficient and more structured, the staff dynamic and competent, and the quality of service acclaimed. Sales triple and the company employs nearly 70 people. The premises are once again expanded to make room for new products!

A period of upheaval and emotion
David Larivière enters the scene, fresh from university, with a whole new energy, ideas and determination.
On October 4, 1990, however, the perfect picture was overshadowed. A devastating fire ravaged the store.
Germain Larivière, standing amid the rubble, wondered whether he would be able to pursue his dream of the past 33 years. The employees are in shock, and all pitch in to save what can be salvaged in extremis from the flames. It's proof that the big family is tightly knit.

LATE 90s
Reconstruction and growth
Temporary facilities are quickly set up in the warehouse just behind the store. Reconstruction and renovation begin. It was decided that the businessman, supported by his team, would not give up. The existing facilities benefit from a major overhaul. The pace of growth accelerates exponentially.The store now has 90 employees.
Eight years later, misfortune strikes again, this time across Quebec. In January 1998, ice storm hit. Deprived of electricity and all services, the store was forced to cease operations for 32 days. With the affected population a priority, management reviewed its objectives for the future.
THE 2000s
A new millennium for Germain Larivière
With the turn of the millennium, the second Larivière generation takes up the torch of management. Under the leadership of Jean and David, Germain Larivière continues to expand. A second store opens in Laval. The new store's appearance, visibility, architecture and ultra-modern layout make everyone proud.
The opening of a third store in the renowned Cartier Dix30 followed by the construction of a new distribution center. The two brothers have every intention of carrying out other major projects, supported by over 200 employees.
The future looks bright with the same objectives : to offer quality products at good prices, exceptional service and an environment that lives up to the expectations of its customers and staff. One thing is certain : with us, you're part of the family.

Management would like to pay tribute to Germain Larivière for being the architect and founder of this great company, which today employs nearly 200 people. We would also like to thank all those who have contributed and continue to contribute to the establishment , growth, development and future of Germain Larivière.
Thank you for your dedication and the quality of your work. Thanks to you, the Germain Larivière name should continue to shine for decades to come!